Medication Administration

Certification 1 – Initial Medication Administration and Health Related Activities  (In person and remote)Register – $145.Certified independent providers and certified provider direct service staffMust be at least 18 years old and pass background check…14 hours + skills check:

In person: 2 days Remote: 3 days
$1451 year
Certification 2 – Initial Administration of Medication and Feeding via G-tube or J-tube (In person only)Register – $75.Certified independent providers and certified provider direct service staffCurrent Certification 14 hours$751 year
Certification 3 – Initial Insulin Administration (In person only)Register – $75.Certified independent providers and certified provider direct service staffCurrent Certification 14 hours$751 year
Certification 1 – Renewal Medication Administration and Health Related Activities (In person and remote)Register – $45Certified independent providers and certified provider direct support staffCurrent Certification 1 (no more than 60 days passed expiration date)2 hours + skills check$451 year
Certification 2 – Renewal Administration of Medication Feeding via G-tube or J-tube, (in person only)Register -$45Certified independent providers and certified provider direct support staffCurrent Certification 1 and 2 (no more than 60 days passed expiration date)1 hour + skills check$451 year
Certification 3 – Renewal
Insulin Administration, in-person and remote (In person only)
Register – $45.Certified independent providers and certified provider direct support staffCurrent Certification 1 and 3 (no more than 60 days passed expiration date)1 hour + skills check$451 year
  • Category 1 certification allows direct support personnel (DSP) to administer oral, topical, and inhaled medications, as well as 13 health-related activities if they have been prescribed for a person.
  • Category 2 certification allows personnel to administer medications through a Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy (G/J) tube if the DSP has been delegated to do so by a nurse. This certification is in addition to Category 1.
  • Category 3 certification allows personnel to administer insulin and injectable treatments for metabolic glycemic disorders if the DSP has been delegated to do so by a nurse. This certification is in addition to Category 1.

Paperwork & Forms:

Application to attend class (pdf download)
Certification 1 curriculum (pdf download)
Certification 1 skills check (pdf download)
Certification 2 curriculum (pdf download)
Certification 2 skills check (pdf download)
Certification 3 part-1 insulin curriculum (pdf download)
Certification 3 part-2 metabolic curriculum (pdf download)
Certification 3 skills check (pdf download)
Evaluation Form (provided during class)

Register for Training

Remote Training Requirements:

Ohio DODD RequirementsDescription
IN ORDER TO PROVIDE REMOTE TRAINING, STUDENTS MUST COMPLY WITH THE GUIDANCE SET FORTH BY DODD RULES.Students must be visible at all times during the training presentation. This includes face, and upper body from the desktop and above. Students with technical difficulties will not be considered in attendance during that electronic absence. If technical difficulties persist more than 15 minutes, student will not be permitted back into class. Students must be able to see the trainer, materials and demonstrations. Students must be able to see and hear each other. Evaluations must be completed and submitted in order to receive certification.
CHECK-INStudents should check in 10 minutes prior to class to avoid technical problems.
PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATIONStudents will verify their identification by sharing personal information (e.g., street name, month/day of their birth, etc) in the private chat. (Please do not publish this to the group.)
NO SHOWSStudents who do not log-in for the duration of the training will be considered a no-show and charged the regular rate of the training. Training will need to be rescheduled.
SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONInitial training requires skills check, evaluation, and a written test which must be completed in person. This will be scheduled during the registration process.
Renewal training requires class participation, completion of skills checklist and evaluation. Skills check may be done by a Manager who has the appropriate certification. If completed by a manager, the name must be identified during the scheduling process. Renewal skills check can also be checked at the training office at no cost. Secure a spot during the scheduling process.
AGENCY NOTIFICATIONAgency will be notified if student does not show, student experiences technical problems for more than 15 minutes, or if student does not successfully complete the training.
FOR BEST VIRTUAL EXPERIENCECheck-in early to avoid/troubleshoot technical problems. Have printed materials available. Raise your hand or use chat for questions. Keep your cameras engaged at all times. Keep microphone on mute unless directed by the trainer. No cell phones are permitted. Student must use a computer or tablet per DODD rule. No recording of training is permitted.
CLASS MATERIALS & FORMS (download & print)See links above or downloads provided during course registration.
SUBMISSION OF MATERIALSCompleted skills checklist and evaluation can be scanned and emailed to Students must have completed and turned in all materials within 2 weeks following class. After that time, the class is considered closed, and student will need to be rescheduled.
As we continue to experience remote learning, policies are subject to change.

In-person Training

STUDENTS MUST COMPLY WITH THE GUIDANCE SET FORTH BY DODD RULESDirect support professionals, or DSPs, require special certification to administer most medications and treatments. Once certification is earned, it must be renewed annually. All initial certifications must be taught by DODD-certified Registered Nurse (RN) Trainers using the DODD-approved curriculum.
SIGN-IN, SIGN-OUTAll students must physically sign-in and sign-out to prove attendance as required.
IDENTIFICATIONYou may be asked to provide identification.
NO-SHOWSYou may cancel up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled course and reschedule another time. After that timeframe, no refunds will be offered.
SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIONInitial training in-person requires presentation training and demonstration, skills check, evaluation, and a written test which must be completed in person. This will be scheduled during the registration process.

Renewal training requires class participation, completion of skills checklist and evaluation. Skills check will be completed at the training and is included as part of the in-person course.
AGENCY NOTIFICATIONAgency will be notified if student does not show, student leaves the training for more than 15 minutes, or if student does not successfully complete the training and testing successfully.
FOR BEST CLASSROOM EXPERIENCEPack your lunch, a snack and something to drink. Put your phone away except for breaks and lunch.
VERIFICATION OF CERTIFICATION / RENEWALCertification is issued by DODD. All certifications can be verified through Medication Administration Certification Verification.
INDIVIDUAL SPECIFIC TRAINING (IST)Before administering medication or treatment to a person, the certified personnel must also receive individual specific training (IST). The employer or delegating nurse supervises to ensure safe, accurate medication, and treatment administration.
NURSING DELEGATIONThere may also be a requirement for nursing delegation, in addition to certification, depending on the setting size or the type of medication or task. View the Med Admin Reference Grid attachment